
Pancasila Day

Bali History and Culture May 16, 2023

Pancasila Day


Pancasila Day on the first of June commemorates the inception of Indonesia's foundational ideology, Pancasila, introduced by Soekarno, the first President of Indonesia. Born out of vigorous brainstorming and debates among the nation's founding fathers, Soekarno's proposal eventually became the accepted ideology with some adjustments. The day he presented his proposal in the assembly is now celebrated as Pancasila Day. Explore the significance of this momentous occasion in the following article.


Brief History of Pancasila


The selection of June 1 as the birthday of Pancasila refers to the moment of the session of the Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai (Investigation Board for Preparatory Work for Independence of Indonesia /BPUPKI) in an effort to formulate the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia.  This body held its first session on May 29, 1945. In the session, BPUPKI members discussed the foundations of an independent Indonesia.



BPUPKI assembly, discussing Indonesia preparation for independence.
BPUPKI assembly.

In the second session of BPUPKI, Soekarno in his speech entitled "The Birth of Pancasila" had the opportunity to convey his ideas regarding the initial concept of Pancasila which became the foundation of the Indonesian state on June 1, 1945. This speech was originally delivered by Soekarno by acclamation without a title and only received the title "The Birth of Pancasila" by former BPUPKI Chairman Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat in the preface to the book containing the speech which was then recorded by BPUPKI.


In his speech, Soekarno conveyed his ideas related to the basis of the independent Indonesian state, which was named "Pancasila". Panca means five, while sila means principle. At that time Bung Karno mentioned five foundations for the Indonesian state, namely the first precept of "Nationality", the second precept of "Internationalism or Humanity", the third precept of "Democracy", the fourth precept of "Social Justice", and the fifth precept of "Almighty God".



Soekarno, Indonesia's first president, was delivering his speech that will become as the ideas of Pancasila.

Soekarno delivering his speech about Pancasila.

To perfect the formulation of Pancasila and create a Constitution based on these five principles, the Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai formed a committee called the Committee of Nine. It consisted of Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta, Abikoesno Tjokroseojoso, Agus Salim, Wahid Hasjim, Mohammad Yamin, Abdul Kahar Muzakir, Mr. AA Maramis, and Achmad Soebardjo.


After going through several trials, Pancasila was finally ratified at the PPKI Session on August 18, 1945. At the session, it was agreed that Pancasila was included in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution as the legal basis of the Indonesian state.


English translation of Pancasila


For years, there has been an ongoing debate among scientists and language experts regarding the translation of Pancasila into English. In this context, we adhere to the version that we believe closely captures its meaning in Indonesia, as recognized by the Indonesian Government Translators Association (IPPI).


On August 13, 2019, linguist Ivan Lanin shared the IPPI version of the translated Pancasila through his Twitter account. The translation of Pancasila (Five Principles of the Indonesian State) is as follows:


  1. Belief in the one and only God.
  2. A just and civilized humanity.
  3. Unity of Indonesia.
  4. Democracy, led by the wisdom of the representatives of the people.
  5. Social justice for all Indonesian people.


In conclusion, Pancasila holds immense importance as Indonesia's national ideology and worldview. It emerged through deliberations among the nation's founding fathers, with Soekarno playing a pivotal role. Pancasila's principles, encompassing beliefs in God, humanity, unity, democracy, and social justice, form the cornerstone of the Indonesian state. It serves as a guiding force that shapes the nation's values and aspirations

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